Vallance (Vall) Wilkinson
  • We highly recommend that you verify the credentials of any financial planner before you choose to work with them.
  • View Vallance (Vall) Wilkinson’s entry on the FCA register here.
  • You can view Vallance (Vall) Wilkinson’s SPS certificate here.


Vall predominantly works with international high net worth clients with the aim of providing them with a truly enjoyable investment experience. He specialises in helping US nationals, UK res non-doms and foreign expats navigate their way through the complexities of the international financial markets.

Vall has been in the financial service industry since 1995. Before joining Satis in September 2017, he held various senior positions for Lloyds International where he gained specialist knowledge in international cross-border financial regulation and European pass porting.

Vall has expertise of working with high net worth individuals in many jurisdictions (which, depending on the moment in time you looked would have been, USA, Dubai, Hong Kong, Gibraltar, The Cote de Azur, Malta, Italy and Jersey), taking care of their holistic and long-term financial needs and acting as a trusted adviser.


Vall resides in Jersey, Channel Islands one of the crown dependencies. He has a passion for travelling with one of his favourite destinations being the vibrant island of Barbados in the Caribbean. He is also extremely fond of the beautiful islands surrounding the Indian ocean. A real island hopper.

In his spare time, Vall enjoys spending time with his family who, like him, also enjoy experiencing different countries and cultures. He is a keen golfer and feels privileged that this is something he can share with his children who both play. However, these days he spends more time caddying for his children than playing.