Dear All
It is time for another update.
This Christmas again looks like a rather odd and unpredictable one – we hope you have as much fun as you can in these testing times.
I am pleased to confirm that as I write this note, all Satis Wealth Management staff are well.
We are following the latest government advice and advising and encouraging colleagues to work from home. There will be exceptions – offices are running with skeleton staff to look after post and other deliveries. Some staff may have a need to work from an office – we will seek to facilitate this wherever we can do so reasonably safely.
Some clients may also far prefer a face to face meeting in one of our offices (or outside in a garden or park). Again where this is possible within the rules and guidelines we will arrange such meetings including holding some meetings in our offices. There will be various procedures to follow including recent lateral flow tests etc.
Our office capacity for colleagues and clients has been reduced to allow for good social distancing.
Many meetings have been rearranged to take place over Zoom – and particularly for quick or straightforward meetings this can be a very good solution.
It is very nearly the end of 2021. The calendar year for Satis has been good and investment results have been positive – developed markets are collectively up over 20%, other markets have performed less well. As we head into 2022 we wish you health, peace and prosperity. Markets are volatile. This is nothing new. Rising interest rates, inflation, geopolitical risk and climate change continue to be our main worries. We are playing a very, very long game. Our portfolios are designed to exist for decades.
As in previous years our ‘office’ will close at lunchtime on Christmas Eve and will reopen again on the Tuesday 4th January. However, if anything urgent comes up do not hesitate to contact me or Ross on our mobile telephone numbers (07734 814416 and 07976 263749 respectively).
We wish you well. It has been a pleasure working with you all in 2021. We look forward to meeting face to face in 2022.